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I don’t believe in a religion, I don’t believe in a God, I don’t believe in astronomy, I believe in the power of people to change this world. I believe in communication whether that’s physical, verbal and emotional to influence and guide one and other. I believe that by expressing ourselves and our values we can contribute to a positive environment for all people and most of all I believe that a simple smile has the power to change the world.
I believe that we don’t only make footprints on this planet; we make imprints on people’s lives and people’s hearts. Geographical differences aren’t a barrier to fulfilment and whole world inclusivity. I believe we all have an equal part to play on this planet, to be a good person. We should use the beauty in our differences and the power of our similarities to provide a platform where we can all achieve. I believe in humanness and doing all we can to benefit the progression of humanity. My heart belongs to the emotional aspect of allowing every individual the right and the confidence to be themselves, to allow communities to succeed through their own values and their way of life. I believe that we should not impose our opinion to try and disrupt someone’s way of life if it doesn’t sync with our own; yet to respect and try to understand each other’s ‘why’. Why do people believe in certain things, why do people act in certain ways? And why do people live their life the way that they do?
Try to find similarities in reasoning; try to match up values with others even in different thought processes or environments. Try to understand what makes people wake up in the morning, put their shoes on and live another day. If we can’t find similarities, learn to respect our differences. Then consider your ‘Why’, what makes you happy?
Take responsibility for your own potential to make this a world for all people, to make your world as successful as you can imagine; whether that’s in wealth, experience, love or anything that sets your soul on fire. Believe that you can change your world, believe that you can influence others to change their world and consider the possibility that we can change our world all together.


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